

ATTENTION. The box is sold without any content !!!

I think that for most, instead of the size, it will be enough to write that 6 bottles of beer will easily enter, but if someone wants to know whether 6 half liters or flat barley soups will also fit, then if he has such a bottle, for example at home, it will be easy to calculate: – )

Szerokość 15 cm, długość 23,5 cm, wysokość płotku:-) 10 cm, wys całkowita 30cm.

Wykonana z drewna zdobiona metodą decoupage. Ta ze zdjęcia dostępna jest natychmiast, gdybyś jednak potrzebował czegoś tylko dla siebie, wyjątkowej grafiki, własnego napisu, skontaktuj się  z nami.

1 in stock

SKU: skrzy2021 Category:














How much use is such a box, how much joy, but the most important thing about ecology. Such a little wonder, with so many uses.

I think that for most, instead of the size, it will be enough to write that 6 bottles of beer will easily enter, but if someone wants to know whether 6 half liters or flat barley soups will also fit, then if he has such a bottle, for example at home, it will be easy to calculate: – )

Width 15 cm, length 23.5 cm, height of the fence 🙂 10 cm, total height 30 cm


Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 35 cm

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